The Nuclear Family is DEAD Pt.2: Family & Marriage

Provided Here in this Post are Sociological Definitions for the Terminology used Today in the Areas of BOTH Family as well as Marriage.

Family Terminology:

Traditional Nuclear Family: This Family consists of a Biological Mother who stays at Home and a Biological Father who works Outside the Home and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Nuclear Family (Non Traditional): This Family consists of a Biological Mother and Father and Their Biological/Adopted Children.

Binuclear Family: This Family consists of TWO Households where and Household includes One Parent and Kid(s) and the Other Household includes the Other Parent and the Kid(s)

Family of Origin: A Family into which You are Born or Brought into Through Adoption.

Single Parent: A Family consisting of a Single Mother/Father and Kid(s) the Other Parent is Not Involved (Example: a Dead Beat Dad)

Blended Family: This Family consists of Individuals who Marry and Bring Children from a Previous Marriage.

Extended Family: This Family consists of TWO or MORE Generations of Close Relatives Living Together in ONE Household.

Marriage Terminology:

Marriage: In America, Marriage Historically has been Defined as a Legally Recognized Social Union between a Man and a Woman who meet the Specified Age Requirements and Who are NOT Legally Married to Another Individual. Today the Language between a Man and a Woman is NO LONGER a Valid Part of the Definition.

Same-Sex Marriage: The Union between Same Sex Couples Legally Recognized Nationwide. On June 27, 2015, The Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide. States NO LONGER have the Option to Ban Same-Sex Marriages. The Term Same-Sex Marriage may also be OUTDATED as lets face it Marriage is Marriage Regardless of Sexual Orientation. Love is Love Plain and Simple.

Arranged Marriage: A Marriage Planned and Agreed to by the Families or Guardians of The Bride AND Groom who have Little or No say in the matter Themselves. This is NOT THE SAME AS FORCED MARRIAGE.

Forced Marriage: Is a Marriage in which One OR MORE of the Parties Involved is Married WITHOUT Their Consent OR Against Their Will.

Polygamy: Is the Practice of having MORE than 1 Marriage Partner. Polygamy is ILLEGAL IN ALL 50 STATES, But Non the Less IT IS Still Practiced Today.

Polygyny: Is a Form of Polygamy that Involves the Practice of a Man having MULTIPLE WIVES at the Same Time.

Polyandry: Is a Another Form of Polygamy which Involves the Practice of a WOMAN having MULTIPLE HUSBANDS st the Same Time.

Common Law Marriage: Marriage by Mutual Agreement between a Cohabitating Woman and Man without a License OR Ceremony. Common Law Marriage is Currently Recognized in 10 States as a Legitimate and Legal form of Marriage.

Partner Choice Terminology:

Homogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners LIKE Ourselves.

Heterogamy: The Practice of Choosing Partners that are DIFFERENT from Ourselves.

Endogamy: To Marry WITHIN One’s Own Social Group.

Exogamy: To Marry OUTSIDE of One’s Social Group.

Interracial Marriage: To Marry Someone of a Different Race.

Interclass Marriage: Marrying Someone of Another Social Class.

Interage Marriage: Marrying Someone at LEST 10 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER than Yourself.

Interreligious Marriage- To Marry Someone of Another Religion then Yours.


Thanks for Reading,

 Brought to You By Les Sober

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