The Salvation in Sundays.

Alright it’s Time for Another FYB Update so here We go.  As We get Our shit together More and More and prepare the Serious Rule 2020 some Changes Obviously had to be Made and some still Do in All Honesty. The Current Change is FYB will be Posting a Minimum of  One (if Not more which is Our Goal in the “Getting Our shit together” Department. Since We have rather Drastically Expanded and Increased Our Content adding a Whole Dimension to FYB which We sincerely Hope Everyone Enjoys as Much as We do.

Now Why We increase Our Posts FYB will Post 6 Days a Week and, FYB will NOT be Posting on Sundays. The reason is My Friends, Family and Doctor have Suggested, Encouraged, and Damn Near Demand I take a Day Off. I don’t like the Idea in the Least, BUT I do realize How beneficial it would be for Everyone Involved Myself Included. Not only would a Day off (from ALL Work or Work Related Projects) would seriously Aid in Preserving what’s left of My Sanity and Health as well as My Wife’s, Friend’s, Family, and the Few Full Time FYB Contributors turning around Here.


So I’m willing to try and Abandon My workaholic Tendencies for 24 hours once a week for Now. I know its Not just about Me and that a Change, even if it’s an Extremely Shitty One like this One in The End it’s about the Greater Good. Thank You to ALL THOSE who have stuck with Us through Our initial Issues, Evolution, and Growing Pains We really and truly Appreciate it more than You will EVER Know.

P.S. FYB Up Dates like This One are NOT considered Content so This isn’t Today’s Minimum Post.


  Les Sober

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