The Serpentine Cemetery

Today fucking Sucks. Earlier this Year My 14 year Old Colombian Boa Constrictor Adabeese Died of Old Age leaving Me rather Devastated. The Silver Lining was I still had My Ball Python Named Monty (an Ode to The British Comedy Troupe Monty Python) to Focus My Time and Attention which Helped Me to deal with Adabeese’s Unfortunate but Unavoidable Demise.

Tragically enough I found Monty Dead in His Cage presumably also due to Old Age. And to Add Insult to Injury Monty looked Happy, Healthy, and Bright Eyed Yesterday, just to End Up Dead Today. That’s the One Problem with Owning Snakes (and Reptiles in General) is Being Utterly Undomesticated They have the Natural Instinct of the Wild which dictates One Hide all Illness. In the Wild a Sick Animal is an instant Bullseye on its back as far as Predators are concerned (Example Wolves in Alaska will Target the Feeble and Elderly or the Sick/Injured Members in a Herd of Elk)

This simply mean Bottom Line You Won’t Know There is Something Wrong Until it’s too Late if Disease is a Factor. In this case as I said earlier Monty’s demise was Age Related One would assume since Upon inspection Monty didn’t display any of the Usual Characteristics of Disease, but then again I have No Idea what was going on Inside of Monty. I can only do an exterior inspection and use only Visual Observations, But I know enough about Reptiles having Owned Quite a Few Through Out My Life time (A Couple of Iguana’s, Ball Python, Blue Tongued Skink, Anoles, Colombian Python, and Bearded Dragon. Plus working for Veterinarians who worked with treated Exotics was a BIG PLUS).

I Don’t expect Anyone but Other Snake/Reptile Owners to be able to Empathize with the Passing of a Pet Reptile such as My Snake(s). Reptile Owner’s are the Only Ones Who actually and Truly understand the Profound Bond that Forms between a Pet Reptile and Its Owner. I’m a Man of a Thousand words That has real trouble keeping His opinions to Himself and His Mouth Shut. And Still I Can’t Explain it, its hard to put Feelings into Words Sometimes (unless its one of the Major Ones like Love, Anger, Happy, Hateful)

Anyway I didn’t finish the Post I planned on Posting Today as I am at a Loss since Discovering Monty’s Passing Earlier Today, YET Life Goes on and So Do I. So Until Tomorrow I bid You A-due.

Thanks for Understanding,

 By Les Sober

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