The Spinal Tap T.V.

  Long ago when my wife and I started dating in early 1776 I was living with a friend of mine named Nightmare. An unusual trend started for a few months where my wife and I would be awoken by my friends/roommates tv blasting at an ungodly volume almost every morning. Finally curiosity trumped annoyance and I out right asked Nightmare what in the name of all things sane was the whole waking up to his tv blaring like a goddamn Imax movie about exactly.

  Nightmare’s response was quick, simple and conciese as he asked me to view a typical evening from his point of view. I agreed as once again my annoyance level was rising like the 1980’s stock market. After meeting up after work back at home base all 3 of us would hangout bullshitting and drinking more than a few beers. As the evening wound down my wife and I would retire to our bedroom as Nightmare retired to his which was right next to ours.

Once everyone was settled in their perspective bedrooms Nightmare would kick on the T.V. for a bit. Then my wife and I would inevitably end up having sex which in turn caused Nightmare to raise the volume on his t.v., but instead of that being the end of it apparently my wife and I would precede to get louder then louder again causing a volume battle with Nightmare’s t.v. until the television’s volume maxed out. Nightmare then at some point had to upgrade his sound system for his television because the max volume wasn’t loud enough. I can only imagine the conversation Nightmare had with the sales guy.

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