This Wasn’t Planned

I was planning on writing Today’s Post to give Our Reader’s a Heads Up that We were going on a Road Trip because it is Time. What Time you may be asking Yourself?! Well it’s one of those Times in Life when You just simply need To Get Away from All the Usual Bullshit in Life. A Time to Leave all the Happy Horseshit in the Rearview Mirror to Stretch One’s Leg while Getting a Change of Scenery.

I was going to say that New Posts may be scarce while We were going to be on the Road, BUT Alas I’m sitting at Our Home Office writing this Post instead.

We were on the Way to Board Our 4 Big Dogs and Little did We know one Hell of a fucked up Story was about to Suddenly Unfolded front of Our Eyes. It started with a Car Totaling Accident, and Ended with Several Felons getting Caught and Subsequently Arrested. It is truly one of the Strangest fucking Stories I have ever had the Unpleasant Privilege to be a Part of.

SO since the Trip has been Postponed due to the Fact it was Our Car that was Totaled (and Yes of course the Assholes We ran into Their Vehicle didn’t get a single fucking scratch) We Now have to Stay fucking put and Deal with the Insurance Shit/Buying a New Car before We can hit the Road Again.

THUS I will be Posting the Story, with Actual Accident Scene Photos, in It’s ENTIRETY Tomorrow, and I assure You it is a Story thats GUARANTEED to Utterly Blow Your fucking Mind.

Until Tomorrow I will sit here and Continue to Lick My Wounds as They Say.

Thanks for Reading,

 By Les Sober

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