Whats Going On With 01A51CDO (Part 1 of 3)

Welcome to Whats Going On With 01A51CDO Part One. This Little Piece of Insanity was Brought to Our Attention a Few Months Ago, and Once We Finally got around to Checking it Out We were Psyched to Say the Least.

This Post was Simply Too fucking Long to Try and Include Everything in just One Post so We Split it Into 3 Parts. Part 1 with Feature all the Information that has been Collected Followed by 9 Videos. Part to will be the Remaining 18 Videos from 01A51CD0 So Lets Get Going.

  • o1A51CDO First Emerged Online in Late October 2011.
  • Initially 01A51CDO Uploaded Videos Frequently Until They Abruptly Stopped on 12/26/11.
  • 7 Years Passed without Anything from 01A51CDO.
  • Eventually People Lost Interest and Wrote Off 01A51CDO.
  • Then on 5/1/19 01A51CDO Suddenly Reappeared Posting the First New Video in Over Seven Years.
  • So the Question Arose WHY would 01A51CDO wait 7 Years to Start Uploading Again? The Most Popular Hypothesis is The Owner of 01A51CDO went to Prison and in the End They Served 7 years for Their Crime(s)
  • Almost all Videos have Text that Flashes on Screen Upside Down just like the Titles of Their Videos.


  • A Great Deal of Video Content Appears to be Someone Possibly (Most Likely 01A51CDO) Video Taping People without Their Knowledge Exactly like a Stalker Would.
  • In the Video TEMPERANCE 01A51CDO mentions They have a Brother with Text reading “My Brother Passed” and “I Did Not”.
  • What is 01A51CDO talking about in TEMPERANCE? Well there is also reads “We Lost So Many” (which combined with the Creepy fucking Stalker Videos) it seems that 01A51CDO is Alluding to Abducting People and Holding Them Hostage.
  • In One of the Video Descriptions there is a Link to an Instagram Account by the Same Name 01A51CDO.
  • There No Video on the Instagram Account there are though Random Unnerving Pictures without Context.
  • One Odd Picture that Stands Out is a Close Up of  a Shovel Head (More Than Likely a Snow Shovel from its Appearance.


  • The Video SAY GOODBYE is a Shot of a Wooden Door with a Blue Filter where it Sounds like Someone is Trying to Escape, and You can Also see the Door Moving during the Video.
  • There is Also a Link in the Description of Say Goodbye which takes You to another Video called Truth Beard the Pirate Episode 1 which is the Same shot of the Same Wooden Door this Time Without the Blue Filter.
  • The Door Opens as a Recording of Applause Plays as the Door Opens, and a Nondescript White Guy Steps Out.
  • The Guy is Wearing a Three Corner Hat.
  • The Guy looks Exhausted and just Stairs mainly at the Floor, and Rubs His Eyes the Way People Do when They’re worn the fuck out.
  • The Guy Acts Very Strangely (possibly Heavily Intoxicated) and seems almost Incoherent at Times.
  • There is a Link in the Description of Truth Beard the Pirate Episode 1 that takes You the 01A51CDO Instagram Account.
  • Does this mean The Nameless Guy is the Owner of Both the Truth Beard Youtube Channel AND 01A51CDO as Well?
  • If it is The Owner Why would He Show His Face if He’s the One Responsible for the Stalking Videos and Shit?!
  • What’s Purpose does the Truth Beard Channel Serve?


  • At the End of the Truth Beard The Pirate Video for a Split Second a Series of Numbers Flash on the Screen that is in fact Binary Code.
  • The Binary Code Translates to: LIFE IS SCARIER THAN DEATH.
  • There is a Video on Truth Beard’s Youtube Channel Titled DIGGING A HOLE which has the IDENTICAL Shovel in it from the 01A51CDO Instagram Account. Is this Further Proof that the Pirate Guy is the Owner of 01A51CDO
  • The Pirate Guy Appears in the 01A51CDO Video Titled BLOOD BROTHERS along with Another Young White Guy Wearing a Monkey Mask. The Question is Are these Two Guys the Brothers Mentioned in the Video TEMPERANCE?!

Well Thats All the Info We Dug Up So Far, but 01A51CDO is Still Active Currently, and Uploading New Videos for Now. The New Videos have Additional Hints and Clue Concealed with in Them as the Story Unfolds. The Mystery Continues and So Will Our Reporting on It.

Here are the Original 9 Videos Posted On 01A51CDO Enjoy.

Whats Going On With 01A51CDO Part 2 Coming Up Next!!!

Thanks For Watching,

Presented By    Les Sober & FYB  

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