So today September 1st was supposed to be day 2 or 3 or something of no cigarettes and coffee. Let me explain what happened. I got a heavy spurge of motivation after my cup of coffee yesterday. So I decided to clean like it was no one’s business. Now I knew for sure I was not going to find something like a bottle of booze or pills or illegal drugs. But what I did find was 5 different cigarettes (in 5 different places nonetheless). They were stale so then I needed coffee.

Now to be quite honest, the 2019 version of me would have seen all these circumstances as the most absolutely wonderful reason to have some alcohol. For a split second I thought about buying beer because that once helped my stomach but then I remember the last time I consumed it. Splitting headache, feeling of wanting to vomit after the first sip, chest tightness, stomach cramps. It was definitely one of the easiest voices to shut off in my head on record.

So I bought a pack. I only have one part of my bedroom left where anything dangerous could be lurking. The most I will possibly find is one cigarette or two, but I figured I might as well clean every last butt along with every last hidden can of beer (all long ago empty).

I figured out what was making me so ill feeling was ketoacidosis. I am so glad I bought this guy.

My non-fasting blood sugar was 70. I literally took 2 sips of Gatorade and felt instant relief. I then realized I’m going to have to consume a lot more carbs without the cigarettes. You see there is one funny thing that is contained in cigarette filters of all kinds. Sugar or a sugar substitute. Now I fully know that while I am not consuming a whole heck of a lot of sugar through this inhalation process there absolutely has to be some getting down there.

It’s weird when I did the Wendy’s cleanse (which is basically just 2 pounds of Wendy’s consumed over 2 days without bread, sauces,condiments. Just meat and cheese (optional.) last week it was the best I have felt in months. This time I guess I wasn’t all that deficient in what the beef has to offer and I just feel moderately good today, just feel heavy. I don’t know. Just know that tomorrow I’m going to hop onboard this quit show again. Maybe not the coffee this time. If I can stick to one or two, I think I am going to do that.

Yet for as nicotine-fitty and awful as I was feeling yesterday I did at least find something to potential explain my kale vomit extravaganza.

Health Dangers of Cruciferous Vegetables

So yeah goodbye broccoli, kale, and cauliflower. I really cannot say I will miss you very much. May my spirit guide give me strength that my sister not cuss me out when I send her the link. I just try to look out for her because of a recent kidney infection but she honestly will never listen to my health advice until it is too late. I am fully prepared for this and for her untimely death before mine. It is what it is.

The only person I can help is myself when it comes down to it. I really feel I should clean more but I’m not sure I really want another 15,000 steps around my house today. Need to slow my roll a bit with weight loss. Anyway I will be back tomorrow with more ominous health links and ramblings.

By Spacedog

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