In Reality the Video is from the Earliest of the Early Days in YouTube’ History whens there were No Rules, Regulations, or Community Guidelines to Speak of. Users were Free to Upload Any and All Kinds of Content without Worry. Unfortunately as these things go YouTube began to Grow Exponentially while the Age of Social Media was Coming into its Own. As a Side Effect YouTube became less Artistic Freedom of Expression and more Focused on Advertiser Dollars along with Monetization.
Bottomline YouTube evolved into a Money Making Machine and That Changed Everything as Now Users could have Their Videos/Channels Shut Down Permanently. Then Later on as YouTube Continued to Rise in Popularity Users could also Have Their Content Demonetized for Violating the Established Community Guidelines. It’s understandable since at this point in the Game YouTube is Greedy as a Motherfucker taking 30 Cents of Every Dollar a YouTuber makes. You Know who Else gets 30 Cents for Every Dollar? Money Launderers that’s all We’re Saying.
Now We were Under the Assumption that the Name of the Video USERNAME:666 was simple a Freaky fucking Title the Creator Chose for Their Insanely Strange Video. We Mean Let’s Face It You add 666 to Anything and People Bug the Fuck Out because of the Alleged Tie In with Devil Worship. So it made perfect fucking sense that if Someone was looking to Make a Disturbing Video it would have an Appropriately Disturbing Title. What We should have Done is take the Title simply at Face Value as the Person’s Actual User Name was in fact 666.
The Backstory of 666 is as Bizarre as the Video in Question which We suppose shouldn’t be all that surprising considering this kind of Content. As it turns out back in the Day as Word about the USERNAME:666 Video Spread farther and Wider across the Internet 666 became the Most Notorious Username. This was Due to People Googling or like fucking Crazy as They hunted down the Video to see for Themselves. USER 666 did have a Viable YouTube Channel ( which You can see Typed into the Search Box in the USERNAME:666 Video’s Beginning) that was/has been Defunct for Longer than Anyone Actually Knows.
Originally in the Time after 666’s Channel was Shut Down By YouTube/Google if You searched for the Video You’d get YouTubes Standard Explanation: This Account has been Terminated due to Repeated or Severe Violations of Our Community Guidelines. The Odd Thing is if You try and Search for the Video Now YouTube will Tell You “This Page Isn’t Available…” as if The Channel had Never Existed in the First Place.
Internet Historians using tried to Locate a Time before 666’s Channel was Deleted in an Attempt to Hunt Down 666’s Old Content. The fucked up fact was that None of the Internet Historians No Matter How hard They tried or how many Hours They logged Online could Ever Locate a Time Before 666’s Account was Deleted. Again it seemed as if Someone was Doing Their Damnedest to Eradicate Any and All Evidence that 666 or Their Channel Ever Existed at All.
There was Though a Good Bit of Open Discussion pertaining to 666 on the 4Chan Website where Users had either Praised or Pondered 666 and the Encompassing Mystery Behind Them. Finally a User on 4 Chan after (God Knows how many Tedious Hours) Researching Online found a Rather Dated, But Authentic Post by a Malik Walton Directly Linked to 666 that was Dated 8/14/07.
It Reads as Follows:
“Dear Google,
This channel has done me harm the videos are all graphic and repulsive. This channel is gaining attention that it does not deserve. Can you do anything about this?”
With this piece of Information its Safer than Not to assume 666 in the Early Anything Goes Wild West Days of YouTube Uploaded Unnerving Videos Until Some Asshole Reported Them. YouTube/Google then Decide to Manually Delete 666’s Channel and its also Presumed (by the Majority of Those Involved in Researching this Mystery) that YouTube/Google are Involved in some sort of Conspiracy Cover Up to Eliminate All Information on 666.
The Final Question in the Ongoing Mystery of 666 is What Happened to Them after YouTube/Google Swooped in and Terminated They’re Channel? Most People would be Inclined to think 666 simply Disappeared back into the Online Void Never to be Herd Form Again, BUT is that Really What Happened or is there still More to This Mystery than Meets the Eye?! There is a Popular Belief as to the Where about and Activities of the Legendary 666 Nowadays and here it is. The Popular Belief is that 666 never really left YouTube, but instead They Created Another Second Channel called nana825763 and there They resumed Posting Crazy Creepy Content. Don’t get Us wrong if that were indeed True We’d be Psyched as Hell, Yet this Rumor as Far as We can devise is Total Crap (its just too fucking Convenient)
The Ironic thing is on nana825763 is where We actually located a Copy of USERNAME:666 although We didn’t take the Time to Check the Channel’s Other Content. We work in a Very Smash and Grab Fashion so We Located a Copy of the Video, Grabbed it, Copied it, and Off We Went. Well since the Subject Matter in this Post Came Up We decided to Double Back and take a Second Look. The Following is what We Found .
- With 252K Subscribers it Pretty fucking safe to Say if this was the New Channel by 666 Someone would have found out definitively Especially since the Channel was Started in in September 2006.
- 90 Percent of the Content on nana825763 are PiroPito First Play Through of Mindcraft in fact there 123 of Them.
- The Second Focal Topic are Videos Chronicling nana825763 working on/Developing Their Own Horror (Video) Game, and the Videos Show Progress and Updates on Game Development.
- Above All nana825763 Posts Their Contact Information for Their Website, Twitter Account, and there is Even an E-Mail Address.
- True at the VERY Bottom of nana825763’s Video List there a Handful of Unconventional Videos, There is NOTHING remotely Close to USERNAME:666 or the Other Type of Video Content that 666 was Know for Posting. In Fact this Time We had A Great Deal of Trouble Locating the Copy USERNAME:666 that was Posted, and We’re Guessing Started the Whole Hypothesis in the First fucking Place.
- Now it has been Pointed Out that in the USERNAME:666 it begins with Someone Franticly Refreshing YouTube with the URL typed in the Title Bar as if Referencing the Termination of 666’s Channel. Again this More Than Likely Led to the Belief that nana825763 could be or is 666 using a Different Name to Avoid YouTube’s Ever-changing Bullshit.
In The End We have pretty much Deducted that The Reason 666’s Controversial YouTube Channel was Terminated. As YouTube Developed onLine it instituted New and Stricter Rules pertaining to Uploaded Content, and Some Douchebag Reported 666 so YouTube Terminated Their Channel/Account. As Far as Knowing or Discovering Who is 666, Where They Are, and What They’re Up To Remains as Big a Mystery as Ever. It seemed Appropriate to Post the USERNAME:666 Video Below so that way No One has to Jump Around between this Post and the Original Post.
Thanks For Reading,
By Les Sober & FYB